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Planning Board Minutes 7/14/11

Planning Board Meeting minutes: 7/14/2011
Members Present: Maggie Leonard; Chair, Stephen Enoch, Alan Solomon, Bridget Krans and Barry Karson. Larry Klein arrived at 7:22
Public Present: Mike Parsons of Kelly, Granger and Parsons and Amy Tournas-hardt
Meeting called to order: 7:05
  • Mike Parsons: Mike attended on behalf of Kristopher M. and Darlene Balestro as well as Mr. Farcus. They are off of 23 and Stephens way. The Balestros and Mr. Farcus are neighbors that would like to swap equal parts of property to make the setbacks and all building regulations correct for each of the families to build a new garage. One property has road frontage on Stevens’s Lake Way and one has property on route 23. It would not affect the frontage or utilities or the well. Also neither piece would be considered a new building lot.  The board felt that it was pretty cut and dry and unanimously agreed to sign off on it. Bridget collected the appropriate Form A fee of $40.00
  • Previous meeting minutes:  Meeting minutes from May 16th 2011 approved as corrected. Meeting minutes from Thursday June 23rd, 2011 were approved as written. However it was noted that there was no quorum. The board was in disagreement as to if the minutes should be submitted or not when there is not a quorum. Maggie is going to check with the Town Clerk.
  • Update regarding last meeting with Mark Bobrowski: Mark Bobrowski whom has been selected to “upgrade” the Monterey zoning bylaws had his first meeting with the planning board at their June 23rd meeting. Mr. Bobrowski has sent the board members various documents outlining changes that he feels should be made. He has made a list of uses for the zoning bylaw as well as the responsibilities of the Planning board. Another major subject that was discussed is the differences in the Monterey Zoning Bylaws and The State building code. Don Torrico the Monterey building inspector is going to provide Mr. Bobrowski with a list. Site plan review is another subject that was discussed. The next meeting with Mr. Bobrowski will be July 28th at 5:30. Maggie mentioned that the ZBA will be in attendance at the meeting as well. The two meetings following need to be advertised in the Monterey news and hopefully involve community members. Larry made the point that if we start having the consensus meetings now then maybe by the May town meeting the information will be forgotten. Should we schedule a special town meeting? Mr. Bobrowski would like a meeting at the end of August and then early or mid-October. Stephen and Alan felt that we should have a document to show the public rather than just having them come to a meeting for input without a concrete example of what is being done. Another point that was raised was why if we are just reorganizing and shoring up the bylaws would we need to get input from the members of the community?
  • Special permit for cell tower at 31 Main Road: A special permit for a cell tower has been submitted for 31 Main Road. Prior to starting the discussion Stephen inquired as to whether or not we can act on it if our newly proposed bylaw has not been approved by the attorney general. Maggie is going to check with the Town Clerk. Until then the board agreed to look over the permit request keeping in mind the ZBA meeting date of August 17th.  The permit states that they would like to install a 160 foot “mono pine” tower. Install 12 sections with 4 panels per sector as well as a wooded fence around the perimeter. Within the application is also a request for a variance regarding a set back line. The applicant is seeking dimensional variances. The proposed tower is 60 feet from a side line and 60 feet from an actual property line. On the maps that were presented there were no residences shown. Stephen felt that the plan should be sent back and asked to add in numbers and residences. Maggie and Bridget agreed. Larry felt that if it was more than 600 feet then it is a moot point.  240 feet is required by the Monterey bylaw from the facility which starts at the edge of the fence. The applicant would like to reduce the setback by almost 75 percent. Barry wondered why they could not drop the poll down 30 feet and make the pole higher rather than asking for a variance.  The application submitted was quite significant in length. Each requirement listed in the new telecommunications bylaw was listed and answered by the applicant. The members of the planning board are going to take turns taking the application home and reviewing it until they have come to an informed decision on what the board feels they should write in the finding for the ZBA.
  • Reports from board members:
  • Open Mail:
Meeting adjourned
Submitted by, Bridget Krans